Quarterly Progress Report on Project (March - June 2023)
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
The “Disability Rights Enforcement, Coordination and Therapies” (DIRECT) project has a goal to expand opportunities for persons with disabilities in Vietnam through higher quality and sustainable services, awareness, and advocacy strengthening, and two objectives:
1) Enhance resources for disability programs and services, and
2) Enhance access to quality rehabilitation services.
DIRECT is expected to achieve these major results during 2015-2023:
- Approximately 8,000 persons with disabilities received direct service from the activity, including rehabilitation, home care, and home modifications assistance.
- Multi-disciplinary rehabilitation service provided in at least 10 health facilities in each target province with proper mentoring and coaching.
- Increased availability of in-province capacity for training, mentoring, coaching, and
quality assurance for rehabilitation and home care. - Improved health insurance policies for rehab services and the coverage in target
provinces. - Improved disability rehab and data collection in target provinces.
- Improved policy and governance of rehab services, nationally and in target provinces.
- Improved knowledge, capacity and skills of 6,900 service providers and caregivers in gender and home-based supports/cares for persons with disabilities.
In FY2023, the project plans to achieve these major results and deliverables:
- 2,600, persons with disabilities will have received direct assistance (this includes
1,100 new beneficiaries)- among them, 182 will benefit from home improvement. - At least 75% of beneficiaries demonstrated improvement in ADL – measured by
WHO DAS 2.0. - 300 service providers and caregivers will be trained to support persons with
disabilities. Of these, 20 are rehabilitation practitioners, and 280 are communal health and social service providers and family caregivers. A majority demonstrated
improvements in capacity to support persons with disabilities. - 08 policies, procedures developed and/or drafted, including 3 new policies and 5 draft policies (carried over from previous year). Three new policies: Scope of practice for rehab nurses; a national action plan to implement the rehab strategy and a Dong Nai provincial rehab plan. Five unfinished policies to get continued supports: the circulars for disability classification and determination (including the revised Circular 52 on medical exam board); guidelines for rehabilitation diagnosis and treatments; revision of disability law; additional technical procedure for OT/ST/PT services.
- 32 local organizations supported in capacity building (of which, 20 rehab units, 4
NGOs/private social organizations; and 8 government organizations: MOH, MOLISA,
Provide rehabilitation services and assistive devices to beneficiaries:
A total of 1,369 persons with disabilities benefited from direct assistance during this quarter, achieving 111% the quarterly target. Most beneficiaries are from Dong Nai (798 persons), 335 from Tay Ninh and 236 from Binh Phuoc. Among them, 133 are new beneficiaries, most of them 83% or 110 persons - came from Dong Nai province. The Dong Nai team has over- achieved its quarterly target of beneficiaries (by 118%). The project besides supporting home-based and institution-based services, continued tele-rehab for a group of 10 beneficiaries in Tay Ninh and Binh Phuoc, with total of 148 service times provided.
Meanwhile we noted increases in number of clients receiving rehab services at local public hospitals/health centers which are partners of the project, by approximately 23% in Dong Nai and 30% in Tay Ninh and Binh Phuoc, compared to previous quarter.
Assistive devices to PWD:
The project provided 161 assistive devices to 140 beneficiaries in three project sites.
Assistive devices mainly included prosthetics and orthotics, multi-purpose devices (wheel chair + shower bed), sanitation chairs, walkers and other smaller ADL adaptive devices.
Support to AO affected/school-based services to disabled children
A total of 102 VAVA member/AO victims benefited from the project support, provided in collaborations with the provincial VAVAs, their daycare centers, Nhan Tam School and other donors. Of noteworthy, the project engaged volunteers and private donations for outdoor entertainment and therapy for 25 disabled children in Tay Ninh on occasion of the International Children Day (June 1 st ). The volunteers also donated labors and funds to paint the wall and other artworks at the VAVA center in Tay Ninh.
1,369 persons with disabilities received direct assistance,
1,369 persons with disabilities received direct assistance,
10 doctors completed the rehabilitation course at HCMC University of Medical
Pharmacy (HUMP) to become rehab doctors.
Policy enacted: the National Rehabilitation
Program period 2023 – 2030, vision to 2050.
In progress: 6 policies were under drafting
Scope of practice for rehab nurses;
Guideline for rehabilitation diagnosis and treatments; the revision of disability law;
Additional technical procedure for OT/ST/PT services;
Guideline on disability determination and classification - examination related to dioxin;
The MOH Plan on Healthcare and Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities, Agent Orange Victims, and the Elderly period 2023 – 2027.
Policy enacted:
The National Rehabilitation Program period 2023 – 2030, vision to 2050.
In progress: 6 policies were under drafting:
Scope of practice for rehab nurses; guideline for rehabilitation diagnosis and treatments; revision of disability law; additional technical procedure for OT/ST/PT services; guideline on disability determination and classification - examination related to dioxin; the MOH Plan on Healthcare and Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities, Agent Orange Victims, and the Elderly
period 2023 – 2027.